Updated with new text and images on 24 Feb 2019 The image below comes from two generations of reproduction. Although I have now photographed the most complete version of the tree that I have, I do not have the original. The copy that I photographed below was created from the original by my father using a Xerox machine in letter-size sections and carefully taped together. It was then folded up and stored in a file folder for many years. I have been told that the original poster was created by my father's sister, Rosemary Cannon for a school project. This was likely done when she was in high school in the mid- to late-1950s. She was living in New Mexico and probably consulted by phone with Aunt Mazie (Mary Zerelda Cannon) in Arkansas. My father and his sister Rosemary have died. Only their brother, my Uncle Jim and their first cousin, Sarah Cannon, are still living and may be able to offer more details about the poster. I'm hoping to see Sarah and find that she has the original poster from Rosemary for me to photograph. The one certainty I have is that Aunt Mazie was always certain of her facts, even the ones that were incorrect. A close transcription of the text in the tree is organized in nested lists below. I've tried to capture the exact lettering without any corrections. I'll save corrections for later posts.
Enlarged Images
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aboutA conversational space for deeper questions. Each post is a response to another cousin-researcher or a think-aloud exposition about ongoing challenges. It is one of four separate blogs on this site, each one focusing on the branches arising from one set of great grandparents.
authorKathy Cannon. Please reach out with any corrections, comments, or other contributions! by date
June 2019
by person